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Your passport to a world of indie comics

Where the revenue generated from subscriptions is shared with indie comic creators and publishers. Try now for a 14 day free trial (then only £3 per month). Download now to see our amazing library of indie comics.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Available at Amazon

Follow the instructions below to install the app on your Kindle device.

  1. On your Kindle, open the Settings app and navigate to the Security menu
  2. Enable Apps from Unknown Sources and press Ok
  3. Open the Silk Browser app and visit https://install.appcenter.ms/orgs/comichaus/apps/comichaus/distribution_groups/public
  4. Press the Download button and wait for the process to complete
  5. Press the Open button and then press Install
  6. Press the Open button to start using the Comichaus app!

App Features

Features Bullet Point

Access to all

Get access to all the indie comics in our catalogue.

Features Bullet Point

Offline comics

Save comic offline so you can read them on the go.

Features Bullet Point

Go behind the scenes

Discover more about the creators and search by title, genre and publisher.

Features Bullet Point

Support indies

50% revenue will be split with creators.

Features Bullet Point

Supports multiple devices

Read comics on your Apple, Android and Amazon devices.

Features Bullet Point

Review comics

Leave reviews for comics you’ve read.

Features Bullet Point

Upload your comic books

Upload your comics along side other household names, such as Dredd.

What's the cost?

£3.00 per month

After your 14 days free trial, you can continue your journey to view the whole library of comics.

1. Download the Comichaus app

2. Sign up to an account

3. Enjoy the whole library of indie comics

App Comics

Download now and join the indie

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
Available at Amazon


Follow the instructions below to install the app on your Kindle device.

  1. On your Kindle, open the Settings app and navigate to the Security menu
  2. Enable Apps from Unknown Sources and press Ok
  3. Open the Silk Browser app and visit https://install.appcenter.ms/orgs/comichaus/apps/comichaus/distribution_groups/public
  4. Press the Download button and wait for the process to complete
  5. Press the Open button and then press Install
  6. Press the Open button to start using the Comichaus app!
App Comics

For publishers

Anyone can contribute to the Comichaus database. Whether you want to add/amend data on your favourite mainstream books - or you are an indie creator/publisher wanting to add your own.

Find out more

You will be opting in to receive a weekly email from Comichaus regarding new content to the App and other Comichaus news. You can opt out at any time.